• Are The Prebiotics and Probiotics in European Organic Baby Formulas Beneficial?

    Are The Prebiotics and Probiotics in European Organic Baby Formulas Beneficial?
    When you are looking for organic baby formulas, the last thing you want to hear is that anything has been added. While extra chemicals and synthetics would make us run for the hills, added probiotics and prebiotics are actually beneficial. Instead of just taking our word for it, let's go over a few of the facts to help clarify the benefits. What Is The...
  • How Farming Practices Affect Your Organic Baby Formula

    How Farming Practices Affect Your Organic Baby Formula
    There are a lot of organic products and even organic baby formula on the market but not everything labeled as organic is the same. There is organic, and there is Biodynamic organic which is the gold standard in Europe. There is a wide range of products and food produced in the US that are free of harmful GMO’s and added chemicals. Most often these...
  • Why Your Baby Needs the Best European Organic Milk

    Why Your Baby Needs the Best European Organic Milk
    As your infant grows their needs will change. Once you are nearing the six-month mark your child will be drinking at least eight ounces of milk daily. That is a whole lot of baby formula! Baby formula is made to give growing infants everything they need to thrive, but is your local formula really living up to your expectations? There are regular baby formulas...
  • Why You Should Choose Holle Goat Milk Formula Over Local Cow Milk Baby Formula

    Why You Should Choose Holle Goat Milk Formula Over Local Cow Milk Baby Formula
    Understanding which formula is the best for your child can often seem like you are studying for an advanced degree. There are so many options, brands, and variations to choose from that it is easy to get mired down with information overload. Goat Milk Formula? There are many types of base formula the most common in the US being synthetic or those based on...
  • Bath Time For Your Baby!

    Bath Time For Your Baby!
    Many parents seem to have a lot of fun bathing their babies. If done properly, bath time can be relaxing for both mom and baby. Setting a schedule or routine bath time would be ideal, and most parents tend to do it right before bed, as the water is very calming and in many cases, your baby will fall fast asleep. Here are a...
  • My Baby Suffers From Colic, Can European Baby Formula Help?

    My Baby Suffers From Colic, Can European Baby Formula Help?
    Once you bring your new baby home from the hospital there are a million things to do to ensure they are happy. For several weeks all you may do is spend time marveling at the wonder that is your new bundle of joy as they sleep in a cocoon of parental comfort. While most newborns do little more than poop, sleep, and eat, sometimes...
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