Soothing, Swaddling and Beyond: Mastering the Art of Comforting Your Newborn

Swaddling and Soothing baby


The arrival of a newborn is like opening a mysterious, wonderful package that's full of surprises. You're engulfed in a wave of emotions—joy, love, and perhaps a tiny bit of overwhelm. That last part is perfectly okay. Many of us feel a little out of our depth when faced with the enigma of a crying baby who can't be soothed by mere lullabies or a gentle rocking. Just when you think you've tried everything, they surprise you with a new wail or a sudden bout of restlessness. It's as if babies come with an emotional language of their own, one that we, as new parents, have to learn from scratch.

Here's some good news: you're not alone, and more importantly, there are time-tested strategies to help you through this. We'll explore the art of swaddling and soothing, offering tips to comfort your newborn like a pro. But we'll also talk about what lies beyond—how to deepen that incredible bond with your baby. So, let’s navigate this terrain together. By the end of this read, you’ll have a toolkit full of practical tips to make the newborn phase a bit more manageable and a lot more enjoyable.


Soothing Your Baby
Why Babies Cry
Tried-and-True Soothing Techniques
What is Swaddling?
Step-by-Step Guide to Swaddling
Common Mistakes to Avoid
When to Stop Swaddling
Beyond Swaddling and Soothing—Building a Bond
Skin-to-Skin Contact
Talking and Singing
Eye Contact
Play and Interaction
The Role of Feeding
Final Thoughts

Soothing Your Baby

When your little one cries, it's normal to feel a mix of helplessness and determination, wanting to soothe them but not always knowing how. In this section, we'll look into the common reasons babies cry and share some tried-and-true soothing techniques. These aren't just tips from the experts, but also wisdom passed down from parent to parent, tested in the real world of 2 a.m. wake-up calls and afternoon fussiness.

Why Babies Cry

Why babies cry

Let's start by acknowledging that figuring out why your baby is crying can sometimes feel like solving a mystery without any clues. It's their way of telling us something, but what exactly? They could be hungry, uncomfortable, tired, or just in need of a cuddle. It's a bit of a guessing game at first, but you'll gradually get the hang of it. It's all about tuning into these little signals.

Distinguishing between these cries can seem daunting, but with time and a bit of patience, you'll start to notice subtle differences. A hungry cry, for instance, might be short and low-pitched, escalating if not addressed. A cry due to discomfort might be fussy and continuous, often accompanied by physical cues like squirming or face-rubbing. Identifying these patterns is a learning process. Don't stress if you can't always decode them right away. It's a journey, and each day you're learning more about your baby's unique way of communicating. Gradually, you'll develop an intuitive sense of what your baby needs, easing both your anxieties and theirs.

Here are some of the most common reasons why babies cry:

Hunger: This is perhaps the most common reason. Newborns have tiny stomachs and need to feed frequently. Signs of hunger include smacking lips, putting hands to their mouth, and fussing.

Reasons your baby cries

Need for Sleep: Overstimulation or tiredness can lead to crying. Babies might find it hard to settle down and need help to fall asleep.

Dirty Diaper: Some babies are very sensitive to a wet or dirty diaper and will cry until it’s changed.

Desire for Attention: Babies need lots of cuddling, physical contact, and interaction. Crying can be their way of asking to be held or talked to.

Gas or Tummy Trouble: Discomfort from gas or indigestion can cause a baby to cry. They may need help to burp after feeding or have their stomach gently massaged.

Too Hot or Too Cold: Babies are sensitive to temperature changes and might cry if they are not dressed comfortably for the environment.

Teething Pain: As babies start teething, the discomfort and pain in their gums can lead to crying and fussiness.

Feeling Unwell: If your baby is sick, they might cry more than usual. This can be due to a variety of reasons like a cold, ear infection, or other ailments.

Overstimulation: Too much noise, movement, or visual stimulation can overwhelm a baby, leading to crying as a response.

Tried-and-True Soothing Techniques

5 s of soothing your baby

Once you've got a sense of why your baby might be crying, it's time to explore soothing techniques. Renowned pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp's 5 S method is an excellent place to start. These are swaddle, side/stomach position, shush, swing, and suck.

Swaddle: Swaddling, or wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket, mimics the cozy, secure environment of the womb. It can be profoundly comforting for newborns, helping to calm their startle reflex and promote better sleep.

Side/Stomach Position: Holding your baby on their side or stomach can be more soothing than the back position, especially during awake times. This position can help relieve discomfort from gas or colic. Remember, though, that for sleeping, the safest position is on their back.

Shush: Babies are used to the constant noise of the womb, so silence can be startling. Gentle shushing sounds can be surprisingly effective in calming a fussy baby. You can shush by their ear or use white noise machines that mimic the sound of the womb.

Swing or Swaying: Gentle, rhythmic movements remind babies of the motion they felt in the womb. This can be achieved through gentle rocking, swinging, swaying, or even a ride in the car. The key is gentle, consistent motion, not too fast or abrupt.

Sucking: This is a natural reflex and a self-soothing technique for babies. Offering a pacifier, a finger to suck on, or assisting them in finding their thumb can provide immense comfort.


swaddling baby

What is Swaddling?

Swaddling might sound like one of those ancient practices that have somehow trickled down through generations—and, well, it kind of is. It's as simple as wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket, so only their head is poking out. Why do we do it? Think about it this way: your baby just came from a very cozy, tight space, and suddenly they're in this big, bright world. Swaddling sort of mimics that womb-like environment. It gives babies that held feeling when you can't actually hold them 24/7. It's a comforting transition from womb to world.

Now, you might be wondering, Is this actually good for my baby, or is it just a way to keep them cute and bundled? Trust me, the benefits go beyond Instagram-worthy pictures.

First up, swaddling can be a lifesaver when it comes to sleep. Swaddling can also make it easier for babies to fall asleep and stay asleep while lying on their backs, a position that's advised to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[i] Some babies have a tendency to startle themselves awake when sleeping on their backs. It helps to limit those sudden jerks we all do as we're falling asleep—yeah, babies do that too, and it can wake them up! [ii] A good swaddle keeps those tiny arms and legs in check, leading to longer, deeper sleep. Remember, better baby sleep equals better mom sleep.

Secondly, it offers comfort and security. It's almost like giving them a constant, gentle hug. And who doesn't like hugs, right? Many parents find that swaddling help  to calm a fussy baby. It's not a magic wand—you'll still have to do your fair share of rocking, feeding, and diaper-changing—but it can be a strong ally in your soothing arsenal.

Step-by-Step Guide to Swaddling

  1. Lay a square blanket on a flat surface, with one corner folded down. Gently place your baby on their back on the blanket, ensuring their shoulders are aligned with the folded corner.
  2. Take the left side of the blanket and wrap it over your baby, tucking it securely under their right side.
  3. Fold the bottom of the blanket up over your baby's feet.
  4. Finally, bring the right side of the blanket over your baby, wrapping and tucking it in. Make sure your baby's arms are inside the swaddle, but their hips can move freely.
  5. Swaddling can help your baby feel secure and comfortable, much like they felt in the womb.
how to swaddle


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Swaddling is a cozy way to mimic the snugness your baby felt in the womb. It's a great tool for comfort, but it's essential to swaddle the right way. Make sure the swaddle is comfortably snug, but not overly tight. Your baby’s legs need to move freely, bending up and out at the hips, to avoid any developmental problems like hip dysplasia. And remember, always place your swaddled baby on their back for sleep. Keep an eye on them, too, to make sure they don't get too warm. With these precautions, swaddling can be a safe, soothing practice for your baby. 

Common swaddling mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Wrapping Too Tight: While a snug swaddle is comforting, wrapping too tight can be harmful. It's important to leave enough room for your baby to move their hips and legs freely. A swaddle that's too tight can restrict your baby’s movements and increase the risk of hip dysplasia, a condition where the hip joint doesn't develop properly.

Overheating: Babies swaddled in too many layers or in a warm room can overheat, which is a risk factor for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). To avoid this, use a lightweight blanket and dress your baby in light clothing. The room temperature should be comfortable for a lightly clothed adult.

Covering the Face: Make sure the swaddle is secure and stays below the neck, never covering your baby’s face. A swaddle that comes loose can rise up and obstruct breathing or cause overheating.

Continuing to Swaddle as Baby Grows: As babies grow, they need more freedom to move, especially once they start trying to roll over. Most babies are ready to transition out of swaddling by 2-3 months old. Continuing to swaddle beyond this point can restrict their mobility and development.

Ignoring Baby’s Preferences: Not all babies like to be swaddled. Some may prefer their arms free or not to be swaddled at all. Pay attention to how your baby responds to swaddling and adjust accordingly.

Improper Positioning: Always place a swaddled baby on their back to sleep. This is the safest position and reduces the risk of SIDS.

Ignoring the Baby's Cues: A swaddled baby might still cry or show signs of discomfort. It’s important to respond to these cues and check for other needs like feeding or a diaper change.

When to Stop Swaddling

Knowing when to stop swaddling is as important as knowing how to swaddle. As your baby grows and develops, they'll start showing signs that they're ready to transition out of the swaddle. Here are some cues and developmental milestones to look for:

Rolling Over: One of the clearest signs it's time to stop swaddling is when your baby starts to roll over, or shows signs of trying to roll. This typically happens around 2 to 4 months of age. Swaddling can restrict their ability to move freely, which is crucial for their safety, especially if they roll onto their stomach.

When to stop swaddling

Increased Mobility: As your baby becomes more active and wants to explore more with their arms and legs, it’s a sign they might be ready to move on from swaddling. This increased mobility is crucial for development, and swaddling should not hinder it.

Discomfort or Fussiness: If your baby starts to seem uncomfortable, fussy, or resistant when being swaddled, this could be a cue they no longer enjoy the feeling of being wrapped up tightly.

Outgrowing the Swaddle: Simply growing bigger can be a sign to stop swaddling. If the swaddle blanket is getting too small or your baby is breaking out of the swaddle frequently, it’s time to transition.

Changes in Sleep Patterns: Some babies sleep better when swaddled, but as they grow, the swaddle may start to disrupt their sleep. If your baby seems to be struggling to sleep or is waking up more often when swaddled, it might be time to phase it out.

When you decide it’s time to stop swaddling, do it gradually. You might start by leaving one arm out of the swaddle, then both arms, before removing the swaddle altogether. This gradual process helps your baby adjust to the change and can make the transition smoother for both of you.

Beyond Swaddling and Soothing—Building a Bond


building a bond with your baby

Moving beyond the basics of swaddling and soothing opens a beautiful chapter in your journey as a parent – building a deep, lasting bond with your baby. This bond is about much more than just meeting physical needs; it's about connecting emotionally, understanding each other, and nurturing a relationship that forms the foundation of your child's emotional and social development. Here are some ways to strengthen this bond:

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Holding your baby close, skin-to-skin is incredibly powerful. Research shows babies do great with skin-to-skin from either parent, right from the start. [i][ii] It not only comforts and calms them but also promotes emotional and physical well-being for both of you. This contact can help regulate your baby's heartbeat and temperature, reduce crying, and increase feelings of security.

skin to skin contact with newborn

Skin-to-skin contact isn't just for moms. Dads or partners, who might sometimes feel a bit on the outside at first, can really bond through this. A study in 2011 found that partners who gave their babies massages felt way less stressed and more  involved in the parenting.[iii] And let's be honest, who wouldn't love the job of gently stroking and cuddling their baby? It's a win-win – calming for the baby and heartwarming for the parent.

The scientific evidence supporting skin-to-skin contact highlights its importance in various aspects of newborn care and development

Talking and Singing

Talking and singing to your baby is more than just a way to soothe them; it's a vital part of their early development and bonding. Your voice is one of the first things your baby recognizes, providing comfort and a sense of security. This interaction is key to their language development, as they begin to pick up on patterns and rhythms of speech even before they start talking. It's also an excellent way to stimulate their cognitive growth, with different tones and pitches aiding in the development of their auditory processing skills.

This simple act of communication fosters an emotional connection, helping your baby feel loved and secure. As they grow, responding to your voice with coos and babbles becomes a fun and meaningful way to interact, laying the groundwork for social development. Whether you're singing a lullaby, chatting about your day, or reading a story, these moments of vocal interaction are invaluable in building a strong, nurturing bond with your baby.

Eye Contact

Eye contact with your baby, though it might seem small, is an incredibly powerful tool in building your emotional connection. When you look into your baby's eyes during feeding, playing, or just while chatting, it tells them something special – that they're the center of your world at that moment. This eye-to-eye connection is more than just looking; it's about really seeing each other, creating a space of love and safety.

It's amazing how much can be shared through just a gaze. It's your way of showing your baby they're heard and understood, even before they can speak. This bond you're building isn't just felt by your baby; it affects you too. By looking into those little eyes, you start to understand their tiny expressions and unspoken needs. It’s a heartwarming experience that often brings a surge of warmth and affection, for both of you. So, in those ordinary moments, whether it’s during a quiet feeding or a playful tickle session, remember how much your loving gaze matters.

Play and Interaction

Playing with your baby is one of the joys of parenthood, filled with laughter and discovery. It's in these playful moments that some of the strongest bonds are formed. When you engage in simple activities like making funny faces, gently tickling, or a game of peek-a-boo, it's more than just play; it's a way of communicating love and joy to your little one. These activities not only bring out delightful giggles and smiles but also encourage your baby’s social and cognitive development.[i] 

play and interaction with baby

As you interact and play, you're helping your baby learn about the world in a safe and loving environment. Each smile, each surprised look when you reappear in peek-a-boo, teaches them about cause and effect, emotional expression, and the joy of human interaction. This early play is crucial for their emotional intelligence and helps them feel connected to you.

It’s also in these moments of play that you get to see the world through your baby's eyes – a world where everything is new and exciting. Witnessing their wonder and curiosity can be incredibly fulfilling. And the beauty of it is, you don’t need fancy toys or gadgets; your presence, your face, and your voice are the most entertaining and comforting things to your baby.

The Role of Feeding

Feeding time isn't just about satisfying hunger; it's a special chance for you and your baby to bond. Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, these moments are about more than just nutrition. They're about warmth, closeness, and love. It's a quiet time where you can really focus on your little one, creating a comforting, secure space for them.

These moments give you the chance to look into your baby's eyes, touch their tiny hands, and engage in gentle, loving interactions. It's not just the physical act of feeding those matters; it's the emotional connection that grows with each feeding session. For many parents, this is a time of deep emotional fulfillment, a period where you feel incredibly connected to the cycle of life.

Final Thoughts

In this journey through soothing and comforting your baby, we've covered a lot of ground. We've looked at how to understand your baby's cries and the ins and outs of swaddling safely. But we didn’t stop there; we also explored the warm, nurturing practices that go beyond just meeting basic needs. We talked about how important it is to have skin-to-skin contact with your baby, the wonderful connection you create when you talk and sing to them, the fun and growth that comes from playing together, and the deep bond formed during feeding times.

Remember, every little one is wonderfully unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s all about discovering what resonates with you and your baby. You might not get it right every time, and that’s totally okay. The path of parenthood is a mix of learning, adapting, and growing alongside your baby. Believe in your natural instincts – you're doing an incredible job.

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How can I tell if my baby is crying because they are hungry?

Hunger cries typically start with fussing and escalate to a more rhythmic, repetitive cry. Look for physical cues like sucking on fingers or smacking lips. Remember, every baby is different, so it might take a little time to recognize your baby's specific hunger cues.

Is it safe to swaddle my baby every time they sleep?

Yes, it's safe to swaddle your baby for sleep as long as you follow safe swaddling practices. Ensure the swaddle is snug but not too tight, especially around the hips. Always place your swaddled baby on their back to sleep and monitor for overheating. Stop swaddling once they show signs of trying to roll over.

When should I start reducing skin-to-skin contact?

There’s no set time to reduce skin-to-skin contact. It's beneficial at any age, but it's especially valuable in the newborn stage. As your baby grows, you might naturally find that the frequency decreases, but it can still be a comforting practice for both of you.

Can I soothe my baby too much? Will they become overly dependent?

You can't spoil a newborn by soothing them. Responding to their needs helps them feel secure and loved. This responsiveness builds trust and a strong emotional foundation, not dependency.

How important is talking to my newborn, and what should I talk about?

Talking to your newborn is crucial for their language development and bonding. You can talk about anything – narrate your day, read a book aloud, or simply tell them how much they are loved. The content is less important than the sound of your voice and the interaction.

Is it okay if my baby doesn’t like being swaddled?

Absolutely, not all babies enjoy being swaddled. If your baby seems uncomfortable or resists swaddling, it’s fine to skip it. Each baby has different preferences, and it’s all about finding what works best for your little one.

When is the best time to introduce play activities to my baby?

You can start simple play activities from the very beginning. Early play can be as simple as making eye contact, smiling, and gentle tickling. As your baby grows, they'll be able to engage in more interactive play.

How can I make feeding time more bonding for me and my baby?

Make feeding times quiet and focused. Hold your baby close, maintain eye contact, and talk or sing softly to them. This close physical and emotional contact during feedings nurtures your bond.

What are some signs that my baby is ready to stop being swaddled?

Look for signs like struggling to get out of the swaddle, becoming more active, or trying to roll over. These are cues that your baby might be ready for more freedom of movement and it might be time to transition away from swaddling.



[i] Thinking and play: babies. (2022, December 20). Raising Children Network.

[i] Staff, S. (2023, June 26). The importance of skin-to-skin with baby after delivery. Sanford Health News.

[ii] Give ’Em Some Skn: Skin-to-skin contact between babies and parents - Stanford Medicine Children’s Health. (n.d.).

[iii] Cheng, C. D., Volk, A. A., & Marini, Z. A. (2011). Supporting fathering through infant massage. Journal of Perinatal Education, 20(4), 200–209.

[i] About back sleeping | Safe to Sleep®. (n.d.).

[ii] Dixley, A., & Ball, H. L. (2022). The effect of swaddling on infant sleep and arousal: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10.

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