Things To Stock Up On Once The New Baby Shock Has Worn Off


So, your baby shower has come and gone and a great time was had by all. Your friends and family will have brought you important items such as clothes, baby bath, toys and if you are really lucky someone special may have bought you a pram or crib. Chances are you are feeling confident that you are ready to bring your little one into the world in a safe and happy environment. You are probably sure that this environment is also fully prepared for their arrival.

However, there are some very practical items you will need that others may have overlooked, especially, those guests who may not yet have little ones of their own. Many of these items will be less exciting but are just as important for the comfort and care of your baby. Mommy Formula has put together a list of essentials that you should stock up on once your new parent shock has worn off.

Keep It Sterile

The list of things you need for your baby can actually seem endless. Diapers, baby wipes, barrier creams, and cotton wool are just the tip of the iceberg and also the most common baby shower gifts parents receive.

Sterilizing is important with a new baby; he or she has yet to build up an effective immune system, and they need all the help they can get in the first few weeks of life. Ensure that you have plenty of alcohol for this purpose and equipment that will make certain you can keep your babies feeding bottles or pacifiers free from germs.

Anything you have, such as bandages, gauze or tape also must be sterile. Plenty of brands make this type of product in sterile form, there are many brands who market sterile products specifically for infants. Whether you are searching for traditional options or organic ones, you won’t a problem finding them. When you purchase bandages, make sure that you avoid those that are elasticized. These can restrict the flow of blood to the area where you affix it to your child, and they often don’t fit correctly anyway.

Feed Me Momma!

Feeding will take up most of the first weeks of a new parent's life. Some parents may choose to breastfeed while others will prefer formula. It is also common for families to do both! Chances are you have a general supply of baby bottles, which is great. It is a good idea to also stock up on a few bottles specifically made for newborns and for babies who suffer from gas. While we certainly hope that your infant won’t be a gassy eater, most newborns will suffer from at least five episodes of feeding-related gas in their first few weeks. Doc Brown has some of the best bottles on the market and they are available in most local big-box locations.

On the topic of feeding, many mothers choose to supplement with specialty formula during the first few days of an infant's life. This can be helpful when breast milk may be taking longer than usual to come in, or if the baby has trouble latching during their first few days. We suggest using a gentle formula such as Nanny Care Organic Goat Formula stage 1 or Kabrita Stage 1 Goat Infant milk. Both are made of organic and gentle goats milk on newborn stomachs but also full of the vitamins and minerals newborns need to thrive. Make sure you also have plenty of cleaning brushes for bottles, pacifiers and other chew toys.

Banish Germs

Disposable gloves are also a good idea for times when there are extra messes or if someone is unwell. This will help make sure that you do not pass anything on to your baby. It will also make changing that dirty diaper less of a messy business for you. You would also be surprised at how many people work or clean around the house and then pick up their newborns without cleaning their hands. Instead of worrying about transferring chemicals or dirt to your baby, disposable gloves can help banish germs before they can get all over your little one. 


You more than likely have a collection of medication to hand in case your baby has a problem with a fever or develops colic; in which case it would be prudent to get yourself a measuring device such as an infant medication syringe. Using normal spoons is not as accurate as it may seem and the last thing you need to do is give your baby the incorrect dosage of medication. We also have a more in-depth blog post covering medications you should keep on hand (here).

Lotions & Potions

There are plenty of baby lotions on the market to choose from, and you probably have a few bottles already on hand. Did you know that you should also store moisturizing oils for their scalp and other delicate areas? Having a bottle of oil made specifically for keeping your babies scalp free of dry skin is something that you should have to hand. Dry scalp is a common problem in newborns and if left untreated can become an uncomfortable issue. Pure virgin coconut oil or even pure organic olive oil are great options for scalp and skincare in newborns. While we are on the topic of moisture, it is also a good idea to stock up on chap-stick, lotions, and hand creams for yourself. It is common for new parents to forget about self-care when a new baby makes an appearance. 

Final Thoughts From Mommy Formula

As mentioned, the list is endless, however, if you take the advice we have given above you should be pretty much covered for most events. This also means you won’t have to leave your home in the first few days after your new bundle of joy gets home. Having a new baby in the home can be fairly stressful, and you don’t need to be worrying that you don’t have the essential items needed on hand.

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