Infant Colic Symptoms And Tips On Providing Relief
Being an infant comes with a few perks. You get to sleep all day, get carried around by your parents, and of course get to be pampered 24 hours a day. While all this may sound like a perfect dream, often bouts of uncontrollable crying get in the way. All babies cry but in most cases, they will stop if their needs are met. In some cases, infants will continue to cry even with no apparent cause or trigger. This is usually a result of colic. If you think that your little one may be suffering from colic, we have some suggestions that may help you to provide them with relief.
What Is Colic?
Colic is basically when an infant cries for several hours straight on at least three consecutive days, for several weeks. Colic is not normal crying that has a cause or trigger, rather it is inconsolable crying that has no identifiable cause. It mainly affects infants from the age of two weeks and will resolve on its own by the time the baby reaches six months of age. There is no known cause of colic, and there is also no cure. Infants who suffer from colic are unable to be soothed through traditional methods and the triggers may be different for each child. In some cases, there are no triggers at all. When an infant suffers from colic, they will cry for several hours at all times of the day and night.
Common Symptoms of Colic
Crying is a normal part of being a baby but when there is no way to console or soothe a child, it is likely something else. Colic in general is crying without an identifiable cause and can last for several hours at any time of the day. It mostly affects infants under the age of six months and in most cases, it will naturally resolve by the fourth month. If your infant cries for no reason, despite all their needs having been met, chances are they suffer from colic. Common symptoms of colic in infants may include:
- Inconsolable screaming
- Sudden discomfort and crying fits
- Clenched fist and arched back
- Pale skin around the mouth
- Intense crying
- Fussiness without crying
- Predictable bouts of screaming or crying
- Stiffened arms and legs
- Redness in the face likely from strain
- Tense muscles
In most cases there is no method to ease colic, episodes must be resolved on their own. Sometimes colic may resolve or lessen following a bowel movement or the passing of wind. These are the most common symptoms or signs that your infant may be suffering from colic.
Treatment Methods for Colic
There is no identifiable cause for colic which makes treating it very difficult. In most instances, it is better to focus on soothing the infant and ensuring the caregivers are able to get the rest they need during these critical weeks or months. There are a few interventions that parents have used to cope that may be helpful. Create a list of soothing options and then experiment to see which ones work best for your infant. Some may be successful, while others may seem to have no effect.
Using a pacifier is one way to offer your infant oral stimulation that may trigger a sense of calm. You can also walk with your child, put them in a stroller to walk, or even take them for a car ride. Swaddling is quite effective for smaller infants, just make sure they have plenty of room to move their hips. A warm bath can work to soothe frayed nerves in both the infant and the parent. Follow this up with a gentle oil or lotion massage.
Some parents have noted that playing white noise can have a calming effect on an infant suffering from colic. Soothing sounds and the sounds of heartbeats are also effective. Removing external stimulation can help calm the senses and reduce the length of the colic fit. Changing your infant's feeding habits may reduce or prevent colic episodes. Make sure to burp your child often and always feed them in an upright position.
Changing the type of bottles used can help reduce gas and discomfort which will also help soothe colic episodes. Switching to a gentle infant formula such as the HiPP Comfort Formula may also be effective. Make sure the check with your doctor regarding food allergies. Sometimes an infant may simply have an allergy and not be suffering from colic at all. For breastfed infants and those that are on a combination of breast milk and European infant formula, diet changes for mom are important. Remove onions, cabbage, caffeine, dairy, and other triggering foods, so they do not pass through to the breast milk.
The Best Infant Formula To Help With Colic
HiPP Comfort Formula – This specialty formula has been created to help ease the digestion of infants suffering from colic, constipation, or other gastrointestinal issues. It is free from corn syrup and added sugar in addition to being non-GMO, HiPP Comfort Formula has an easy to digest formula that babies of all ages can enjoy. If your little one has already started taking solids, you can still continue with this infant formula with no need to switch stages.
Kabrita Goat Milk - Kabrita infant formula has a gentle protein and fat composition made from goat milk. As a result, it offers gentle digestion which is important for infants with colic or sensitivities to cow’s milk. Goat milk is a great source of iron, and it is also rich in Vitamin A and calcium and Vitamin A. If your infant suffers from colic, the last thing you need to worry about is proper nutrition, and Kabrita has you covered. The unique DigestX OPO-fat blend in the formula ensures that your infant gets the essential vitamins and minerals they need for proper development.
Final Thoughts From Mommy Formula
Dealing with colic can be difficult, but there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Here at Mommy Formula is always here to offer support and advice to help you ease any infant feeding problems you may be facing. Check out our blog for more information on various common infant feeding and infant care concerns.